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Environment, Climate Change and Health (M.Sc.)

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UBT Green Talks

Welcome to UBT Green Talks!

What does climate change have to do with human healthcare systems? And what on earth are Planetary Boundaries? In the series UBT Green Talks, our host Mirna seeks to answer these questions. You will gain insights into topics like Planetary Health, sustainability, and many more.  

For each episode, we invite guests from different disciplines to share with us their knowledge and expertise and discuss the current problems we are facing and potential solutions. In addition to that, each episode will include input from students’ projects, field trips and visits to relevant public facilities. 

Stay tuned as we discover the far-reaching impacts of human activities, industries, and greenhouse gas emissions on our environment, eco- and healthcare system. From energy conservation to urban planning, waste management, and beyond, we'll discuss strategies for creating positive change at all levels. 


Join us in our contribution toward a more sustainable future for everyone. Together, let's explore, learn, and act, to foster a healthier planet! 

Green Talks Series

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