Course structure
The new master's program comprises four semester. The study course is organized in modules. In total, you will need to gain 120 ECTS point from the following areas:
- basic natural science related to environment, climate change and health Hide
- Integrative Module: Lessons Learned (3 ECTS)
- Climate Change: Natural Climate and Human Impacts on Climate + Climate Change Seminar (5 ECTS)
- Ecosystems under Climate Change and Human Impact (5 ECTS)
- Global Change Ecology: Development and Change of Biodiversity + Disturbance Ecology (5 ECTS)
- Global Health Policy (5 ECTS)
- Medicine and Climate Change I (5 ECTS)
- Skills and Competences: Project Management and Scientific Coordination (2 ECTS) and Academic Working Methods and Skills (2 ECTS)
- specialisation: environment, climate change and health in an international context Hide
- Integrative Module: Lecture Series (2 ECTS)
- Medicine and Climate Change II (Biodiversity, Climate Change and Health) (5 ECTS)
- Environment and Economics (5 ECTS)
- Geographical and Spatial Dimensions of Global Change (5 ECTS)
- Skills and Competences: Scientific Writing (3 ECTS) and Science and Communication (3 ECTS)
- Integrative Module: Lecture Series (2 ECTS)
- elective subjects with focus on climate, envrionmental change or health Hide
- Global Urban Health (5 ECTS)
- Migration and Health (5 ECTS)
- International Environmental and Sustainable Development Law (5 ECTS)
- Statistic and Analysis Tools (5 ECTS)
- Introduction to GIS (2 ECTS) - need to be taken mandatory
- Statistical Data Analysis with R (3 ECTS) - can be taken or
- Spatial Statistics and Visualization with R (3 ECTS) (basic knowledge with R are mandatory) - can be taken
- Food, Health and Climate Communication (5 ECTS)
- Environmental and Resource Technology (5 ECTS)
- Tools in Social Research (5 ECTS)
- Sport Ecology (5 ECTS)
- Global Political Economy of Food (5 ECTS)
- Globalization of Economies and the Environment (5 ECTS)
- Topics in Nutrition and Health Policy (5 ECTS)
- Summer School (5 ECTS)
Not all elective subjects will be offered every semester, there will be an anouncement what is offered every semester. Also course-independet electives will be accepted upon individual decision of the examination board
- 8-weeks internship Hide
internships are possible within different areas concerning environment, climate change and health. The chosen business can be national or international (preferred). Internship must last at least 8 weeks. A splitting of the eight weeks is only possible in exceptional cases.
- Master ThesisHide
a topic within natural science, law or any other environment, climate change and health-related topic should be processed by the students.
For an overview of all lectures and seminars of the 1st semester, a time table can be found at the news page. Subjects to changes.